
Professor Louise Ravelli

Professor Louise Ravelli


BA (Hons) Syd; MPhil, PhD Birmingham

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of the Arts and Media

I am Professor of Communication in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. I have a long-standing interest in understanding how communication works, across language, images and multimodal texts - including the built environment - using multimodal discourse analysis and systemic-functional linguistics. Books include Multimodality in the Built Environment: Spatial Discourse Analysis (Routledge, 2016, with Robert McMurtrie), Museum Texts: Communication Frameworks (Routledge, 2006), and Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts (Libri UK, 2014, with Brian Paltridge and Sue Starfield). I am joint Chief Editor of the journal Visual Communication (Sage). Current supervision includes multimodal research projects in spatial design, web analysis, music and movement.

+61 2 9385 2420
311N, Level 3 Robert Webster
  • Books | 2023
    Ravelli L; Vanleeuwen T; H枚llerer MA; Jancsary D, 2023, Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies,
    Books | 2016
    Ravelli L; McMurtrie RJ, 2016, Multimodality in the Built Environment: Spatial Discourse Analysis, Routledge, New York and London,
    Books | 2006
    Ravelli L, 2006, Museum Texts: Communication Frameworks, Routledge, London and New York
    Books | 1999
    Ravelli L, 1999, Metaphor,Mode and Complexity: an exploration of co-varying patterns;, Original, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK
    Books | 1995
    Ravelli L; Ferguson L; MacLulich C, 1995, Meanings and messages: language guidelines for museum exhibitions, The Australian Museum, Sydney, Sydney
  • Book Chapters | 2023
    Jancsary D; H枚llerer MA; Ravelli L; Vanleeuwen T, 2023, 'Social semiotics and organization studies: Building an effective bridge', in Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies, pp. 25 - 53,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Ravelli L; Vanleeuwen T; H枚llerer MA; Jancsary D, 2023, '鈥極rganizational semiotics': Toward an integrated research agenda', in Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies, pp. 1 - 24,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Ravelli L, 2023, 'Curating a lifestyle experience: How Pottery Barn makes it so', in Multimodality and Social Interaction in Online and Offline Shopping, pp. 172 - 186,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Ravelli L, 2023, 'Redesigning organizations through the built environment: Changes at a university campus', in Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies, pp. 143 - 165,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Ravelli L; Wu X, 2022, 'Introducing Spatial Discourse Analysis: A multimodal case study of a university library in mainland China', in Wang Z; Wang P (ed.), Appliable Studies of Linguistics (Y菙yanxu de Shiyong Yanji奴), Peking University Press, Beijing, pp. 214 - 254
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Ravelli L, 2022, 'Research Vignette 16: Spatial Discourse Analysis of Informal Outdoor Learning Spaces', in Serafini F (ed.), Beyond the visual: An introduction to researching multimodal phenomena, Teachers College Press, New York, pp. 204 - 208
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Starfield S; Ravelli L; Paltridge B, 2021, 'Re-imagining Doctoral Writing Through the Visual and Performing Arts', in Badenhorst C; Amell B; Burford J (ed.), Re-imagining Doctoral Writing, The WAC Clearinghouse/University Press of Colorado, pp. 217 - 234,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Wu X; Ravelli L, 2021, 'The Mediatory Role of Whiteboards in the Making of Multimodal Texts: Implications of the Transduction of Speech to Writing for the English Classroom in Tertiary Settings', in Diamantopolou S; Orevik S (ed.), Multimodality in English Language Learning, Routledge, pp. 161 - 175,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Ravelli L, 2018, 'Multimodal English', in Seargeant P; Hewings A; Pihlaja S (ed.), Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies, Routledge, London, pp. 434 - 446
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Ravelli L, 2018, 'Towards a social-semiotic topography of learning spaces: tools to connect use, users, and meanings', in Ellis RA; Goodyear P (ed.), Spaces of Teaching and Learning: Integrating perspectives on teaching and research, Springer, Netherlands, pp. 63 - 80,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Ravelli L; McMurtrie RJ, 2016, 'Networked places as a communicative resource: a social-semiotic analysis of a redesigned learning space', in Carvalho L; Goodyear P; de Laat M (ed.), Place-based spaces for networked learning, Routledge, New York and London, pp. 111 - 131,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Ravelli L, 2016, 'Navigating the gap between text and context: foregrounding and intersemiosis', in Almeida D (ed.), Novas Perspectives Em Analise Visual: do Texto ao Contexto, Mercado de Letras, Campinas, SP, Brazil, pp. 19 - 36
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Stenglin M, 2016, 'Building Bridges', in Place-Based Spaces for Networked Learning, Routledge, pp. 131 - 143,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Ravelli L; Paltridge B; Starfield S, 2014, 'Diversity in Creative and Performing Arts doctoral writing: a way forward', in Ravelli L; Paltridge B; Starfield S (ed.), Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts, pp. 389 - 406,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Starfield S; Ravelli LJ; Paltridge B; Tuckwell K; Nicholson S, 2014, 'Genre in the creative-practice doctoral thesis: Diversity and unity', in Garzone G; Ilie C (ed.), Genres and genre theory in transition, BrownWalker Press, Boca Raton, Florida USW, pp. 89 - 105,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Starfield, S., Paltridge, B., Ravelli, L., , 2014, 'Researching Academic Writing: What Textography Affords', in Huisman J; Tight M (ed.), Theory and method in higher education research II (International perspectives on higher education research, Volume 10), Emerald, pp. 103 - 120
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Starfield S; Paltridge B; Ravelli L, 2012, ''Why do we have to write?': Practice-based theses in the visual and performing arts and the place of writing', in Berkenkotter C; Bhatia VK; Gotti M (ed.), Insights into academic genres, Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 169 - 190
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Ravelli L, 2010, 'Systemic-Functional Linguistics', in Malmkjaer K (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Linguistics, edn. 2, Routledge, London UK, pp. 524 - 537
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Ravelli L; Stenglin M, 2008, 'Feeling Space: Interpersonal Communication and Spatial Semiotics', in Antos G; Ventola E (ed.), Handbook of Interpersonal Communication, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 355 - 396
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Ravelli L, 2008, 'Analysing Space: Adapting and Extending Multimodal Frameworks', in Unsworth L (ed.), Multimodal Semiotics: Functional Analysis in Contexts of Education, edn. 1, Continuum, London, pp. 15 - 49
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Ravelli L, 2005, 'Shopping with ranks', in Hasan R; Matthiessen C; Webster JJ (ed.), Continuing Discourse on Language: A Functional Perspective, edn. 1, Equinox Publishing, London, pp. 155 - 158
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Ravelli L, 2004, 'Signalling the organization of written texts: hyper-Themes in management and history essays', in Ravelli L; Ellis RA (ed.), Analysing Academic Writing: Contextualized Frameworks, edn. First, Continuum Publishing Co, London, pp. 104 - 130
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Ravelli L, 2003, 'Renewal of connection: Integrating theory and practice in an understanding of grammatical metaphor', in Grammatical metaphor: views from systemic functional linguistics, edn. Original, John Nenjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 37 - 64
    Book Chapters | 1999
    Ravelli L, 1999, 'Getting Started with functional analysis of texts', in Researching language in schools and communities: Functional linguistic perspectives., edn. Original, Cassell, London, pp. 27 - 65
    Book Chapters | 1998
    Ravelli L, 1998, 'The consequences of choices: discursive positioning in an art institution', in Linguistic Choice Across Genres: variation in spoken and written English, edn. Original, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 137 - 154
    Book Chapters | 1995
    Ravelli LJ, 1995, '6. A dynamic perspective', in Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 187 - 187,
    Book Chapters | 1988
    Ravelli L, 1988, 'Grammatical metaphor: an initial analysis', in Steiner EH; Veltman R (ed.), Pragmatics, Discourse and Text: Some systemically-inspired approaches, Pinter Publishers, London, pp. 133 - 147
  • Edited Books | 2014
    Ravelli L; Starfield S; Paltridge B, (eds.), 2014, Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts, Libri Publishing, Faringdon, Oxfordshire
    Edited Books | 2004
    Ravelli L; Ellis R, (ed.), 2004, Analysing academic writing: Contextualized frameworks, Continuum, London
    Edited Books | 2003
    Ravelli L; Simon-Vandenbergen A-M; Taverniers M, (eds.), 2003, Grammatical metaphor: Views from systemic-functional linguistics, John Benjamins, Amsterdam
    Edited Books | 1992
    Ravelli L; Davies M, (ed.), 1992, Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent theory and practice, Continuum Publishers, London
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2024, 'Visual Communication is proud to announce its Early Career Research Scholarship', Visual Communication, 23, pp. 3,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2024, 'Visual Communication is proud to announce its second Early Career Research Scholarship', Visual Communication, 23, pp. 547,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ravelli L, 2024, 'Centering multimodality: A personal and disciplinary journey', Multimodality & Society, 4, pp. 259 - 274,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2023, 'Celebrating 20 Years of Visual Communication', Visual Communication, 22, pp. 3 - 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ravelli L; Wu X, 2022, 'History, materiality and social practice: Spatial discourse analysis of a contemporary art museum in China', Multimodality & Society, 2, pp. 333 - 354,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ravelli L, 2022, 'Ode to a lost icon, David Jones', Discourse and Communication, 16, pp. 269 - 282,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wildfeuer J; Ravelli L; Pflaeging J; Zappavigna M; Poulsen SV; Stamenkovic D; Tovey R, 2022, 'Editorial: in memoriam Martin Thomas', VISUAL COMMUNICATION, 21, pp. 371 - 373,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2021, 'Editorial Note', Visual Communication, 20, pp. 3,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ravelli L, 2020, 'Nina Norgaard. 2019. Multimodal Stylistics of the Novel: More than words. Review', RASK, 51, pp. 75 - 80
    Journal articles | 2019
    Adami E; Boeriis M; Ravelli L; Veloso F; Wildfeuer J, 2019, 'Editorial', Visual Communication, 18, pp. 3,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ravelli L, 2019, 'Diversifying readings: Spatial discourse analysis and the Na'vi River journey', Journal of Multicultural Discourses,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ravelli L, 2019, 'Multimodality and the register of disciplinary History: Challenges for new texts and old theories', Language, Context and Text, 1, pp. 341 - 365,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ravelli L, 2019, 'Pedagogical strategies for developing interpretive language about images: A tertiary experience', English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 18, pp. 100 - 118,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ravelli L; Adami E; Boeriis M; Veloso FOD; Wildfeuer J, 2018, 'Visual Communication: Mobilizing Perspectives', Visual Communication, 17, pp. 397 - 405,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ravelli LJ; Van Leeuwen T, 2018, 'Modality in the digital age', Visual Communication, 17, pp. 277 - 297,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Wildfeuer J; Adami E; Boeriis M; Ravelli LJ; Veloso FOD, 2018, 'Special Issue: Analysing digitized visual culture', Visual Communication, 17, pp. 271 - 275,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ravelli L; Heberle VM, 2016, 'Bringing a museum of language to life: the use of multimodal resources for interactional engagement in the Museu da L铆ngua Portuguesa, Brazil', Revista Brasileira de Lingu铆stica Aplicada, 16, pp. 521 - 546,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ravelli L, 2016, 'Using a model of verbal art to analyse the visual: Analysing multimodal texts in secondary English', English in Australia, 51, pp. 32 - 40
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ravelli L, 2014, 'Analise do espaco: adaptacao e ampliacao de esquemas multimodais.', Matraga 34: Estudos Linguisticos e Literarios, 21, pp. 206 - 227
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ravelli L, 2014, 'The Objects of Experience: Transforming Visitor-Object Encounters in Museums', Visitor Studies, 17, pp. 225 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Almeida D; Ravelli L, 2013, 'Interview with Louise Ravelli', Ilha do Desterro, pp. 233 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ravelli L; Paltridge B; Starfield S; Tuckwell K, 2013, 'Extending the notion of 'text': The visual and performing arts doctoral thesis', Visual Communication, 12, pp. 395 - 422,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Paltridge B; Starfield S; Ravelli L; Tuckwell K, 2012, 'Change and stability: Examining the macrostructures of doctoral thesis in the visual and performing arts', Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11, pp. 332 - 344,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ravelli L, 2012, 'Review: David Banks, The Development of Scientific Writing: Linguistic Features and Historical Context (Equinox, 2008)', English for Specific Purposes, 31, pp. 284 - 285,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Ravelli LJ; Starfield S, 2008, 'Typography and disciplinary identity in academic writing', Information Design Journal, 16, pp. 133 - 147,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ravelli L; Starfield S, 2006, '`The writing of this thesis was a process that I could not explore with the positivistic detachment of the classical sociologist`: Self and structure in New Humanities research theses', Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 5, pp. 222 - 243
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ravelli L, 2006, 'Genre and the Museum Exhibition', Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 2.2, pp. 289 - 317
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ravelli LJ, 2006, 'Genre and the museum exhibition', LINGUISTICS AND THE HUMAN SCIENCES, 2, pp. 299 - 317,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Ravelli L, 2000, 'Beyond Shopping: Constructing the Sydney Olympics in Three-dimensional Text', Text, 20, pp. 1 - 27
    Journal articles | 2000
    Ravelli L, 2000, 'Retrospective: Looking Back at 20th Century Advertising', Currents-Colgate-Palmolive Staff Magazine, pp. 4 - 6
    Journal articles | 1998
    Ravelli L, 1998, 'Review of Mohsen Ghadessy (ed.), Thematic Development in English Textx in Functions of Language', Functions of Language, pp. 100 - 103
    Journal articles | 1998
    Ravelli LJ, 1998, 'Review of Ghadessy (1995): Thematic Development in English Texts', Functions of Language, 5, pp. 100 - 103,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Ravelli LJ, 1996, 'Making Language Accessible: Successful Text Writing for Museum Visitors', Linguistics and Education, 8, pp. 367 - 387,
  • Conference Papers | 2001
    Ravelli L, 2001, 'Matching Purpose with Substance: Adding a Meaning Interface to Usability Studies', in A Conference to Explore the Challenges for Workplaces, Colleges and Universities, A Conference to Explore the Challenges for Workplaces, Colleges and Universities, Sept Conrad Jupiters Gold Coast, presented at A Conference to Explore the Challenges for Workplaces, Colleges and Universities, Sept Conrad Jupiters Gold Coast, 02 September 2001 - 04 September 2001
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Ravelli L, 1998, 'Making meaning: how, what and why?', in Museums making meaning - communication by design, Museums making meaning: communication by design. Papers from the Museums Australia Inc (NSW) 1997 State Conference, pp. 2 - 11, presented at Museums making meaning: communication by design. Papers from the Museums Australia Inc (NSW) 1997 State Conference

ARC DP0880667 Writing in the academy: The practice-based thesis as an evolving genre

My current research explores the intersection of multimodal analysis with the domain of organisation studies, in the context of the design of university learning environments as well as of retail shopping. Yes, quite diverse!

I am joint Chief Editor of the journal Visual Communication (Sage), and on the advisory board of the the Journal of English for Academic Purposes. I review for journals across a range of fields including communication, discourse analysis and museum studies; as well as examining masters and doctoral theses, and acting as external review for a number of research bodies, including the Australian Research Council, The European Science Foundation, the FNRS (Belgium), and am an Expert Panel Member for the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) for Cult2 Art, Art History and Literature.

My Research Supervision

Joshua Han - A social semiotic account of music-movement correspondence (Co-supervisor: Theo van Leeuwen)

Nataliia Laba - Multimodal discourse of university websites: The social semiotic landscape

Eden Fitsum Woldegiorgis - Journalism, Technology and the role of Hyperlinks in the context of Ethiopia

Xiaoqin Wu - Spatial Pedagogy: A social semiotic perspective on the design and use of 'Active Learning Classrooms'.

My Teaching

Course Convenor:

MDIA1002 Media and Communication Contexts

ARTS2094 Visual Communication

MDIA3011 Communication Design: Multimodality, Meaning and Media