It is undeniable that the way consumers are selecting and purchasing products is evolving. In order to satisfy these new demands, keep your brand relevant and continue to advance your business, the way you operate needs to evolve as well. Online shopping from home and mobile devices has drastically changed the expectations of consumers. Not only are younger demographics fitting this trend, but your traditional buyers are moving in this direction also. According to , the 45-64 demographic makes up 40.4% of online shoppers. The importance of how your business handles these changes and embraces an omni-channel operation has never been higher. As technology continues to expand in its capabilities, the conventional methods of fulfillment and logistics are proving increasingly out dated. The specialization required to address these changes can be both expensive and difficult to implement within your organization. Leveraging the services of an experienced, capable third party logistics provider (3PL) can allow you the resources to stay ahead of the curve. Below are 5 facts about on-line shoppers that put this growing element of business into perspective.
All of these statistics point to a growing variable that cannot be ignored. With the number of existing customers, potential customers, competitors and dollars expanding, you need to be able to position your business to compete. The resources and efficiencies available from a 3PL partner can be specifically geared to face these new challenges and opportunities.
At Barrett ÌÇÐÄlogoCenters, we work with our clients to create the best supply chain plan for their business. We embrace visibility and technology to generate ROI and a higher level of service.
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