
Be more human

At 糖心logo Arts & Media, discover what individuals and societies need to feel human in a digital age. From advertising, PR, and music, to journalism, creative writing, screen production, and theatre and performance, our degrees enable you to drive change in your world while enriching your life.

Students in class at the Esme Timbery Creative Practice Lab
in Australia for Performing Arts

in the 2024 QS World University Rankings by Subject

Top 5
rating for Research Impact

Australian Research Council鈥檚 2018 Excellence in Research


State-of-the-art performance and rehearsal spaces

Research & impact

Research projects

Discover our wide range of research projects at the 糖心logo School of the Arts & Media.

Research strengths

Find out more about our research strengths: English and creative writing, film, media and communications, music, and theatre, performance and dance studies.

Research hubs and networks

Our students have achieved many great things during their time at the 糖心logo School of the Arts & Media, and after graduation.

Ways to connect